Home Skincare Tips: Drink plenty of water!

Home Skincare Tips from The Norfolk Mead Treatment Rooms

With everyone having a little more time to spare and missing their regular facials from their favourite therapists, we have a few tips and tricks to keep your skin in check during lockdown.

Here’s our top five skincare tips that you can try at home –

1. Keep up the routine! – It’s great to give our skin a breather from our daily make-up routines but it’s still important to keep our skin clean and hydrated. Just because you don’t have any make-up to remove, it doesn’t mean you don’t need to keep cleansing your skin morning and evening. During the night our skin still produces oil and sweat that we need to clean away in the morning and even though our hands are cleaner than ever we can still transfer dirt and bacteria to our faces throughout the day that we need to cleanse away in our evening routine. Once your skin is clean then make sure you are spoiling it with your favourite serums, oils and moisturisers to keep it hydrated, nourished and protected. And don’t forget to tone in between to rebalance the skin and remove any excess cleanser/oil left on the skin.

2. Scrub, Scrub, Scrub! – With us all making sure our homes are scrubbed and sparkling, don’t forget your skin. It’s still important to exfoliate our faces and with more time than ever, try to do this one to two times a week. This will give your skin a beautiful glow by removing any dead skin cells and it will allow other products such as moisturisers to be absorbed better and easier into the skin therefore giving you better results!

3. Mask it! – Try a weekly face mask to give your skin a little treat. Face masks are great for giving you instant results and for well needed relaxation. There are even face masks you can make yourself at home from everyday ingredients such as olive oil, honey and lemon juice!  Make sure you cleanse, tone and exfoliate first, then run yourself a bath with your favourite bath products. Cocoon your face with your chosen face mask then plunge into the bath, lay back, relax and let it work its magic leaving you with luminous results!

4. Protection – Make sure you are still putting on sun protection before leaving the house to go on your daily walk or even if you are just out in the garden. The cold weather can be deceiving and give us a false sense of security when it comes to sun damage, but the sun is still there, and the rays can still hurt our skin so always keep it protected.

5. H20 – Drinking water is one of the best things for our skin. It can improve hydration, complexion and skin tone. Drinking plenty of water is easy to forget when we are at home and out of routine but make a conscious effort to drink more water and reap the rewards for your skin.

If you have any questions then please just give us a message via relax@norfolkmead.co.uk or via our Norfolk Mead Treatment Rooms Instagram page – we are happy to help. 

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