The Norfolk Mead Treatment Rooms Dry Hand Revival

Lockdown beauty from The Treatment Rooms: Dry, Chapped Hands Revival

Everyone is feeling the repercussions of intense hand washing that we are all, so importantly, doing currently but it is leaving our hands dry, chapped and sore. So here are some ‘handy’ tips to help your hands feel loved again.

1. Don’t forget to moisturise! – Think of your hands like your face – would you ever just cleanse and not moisturise? Hopefully everybody answered ‘No’! So, make sure, every time you wash your hands, apply plenty of your favourite hand cream and notice the difference.

2. Beauty sleep – Applying hand cream before you go to sleep and leaving it on overnight with gloves on can be a really good treatment for dry and chapped hands. You can get gloves for this exact purpose. Give it a try!

3. Gentle exfoliation – Try using a gentle body or facial scrub on your hands to remove any chapped, dead or dry skin. Or even better; make your own! Try mixing a 1-part granulated sugar to 2-parts coconut oil and simply massage over your hands like you are washing them, and focus on any drier parts. The sugar will gently buff away dead skin and the coconut oil will deeply nourish and moisturise. We recommend using sugar and not salt, as salt can sometimes sting on any chapped or broken skin.

4. Nourish – If you are running low of your preferred hand cream then give coconut oil a try as a replacement. Organic coconut oil is best as it hasn’t been processed or in contact with any chemicals. Just take a five pence piece amount and gently massage into the skin just like you’re using hand cream. It will also leave a barrier on the skin for protection.

5. Dry them properly – Yes! Make sure you take the time to properly dry your hands. Leaving your hands wet can cause them to dry out and become sore.

If you have any questions please contact us and ask! You can get hold of us via our spa Treatment Rooms Instagram or the Norfolk Mead Facebook pages, or directly via

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